Tell me your favorite joke!
Do u day dream often? If so, what do you most often day
dream about?
Tell me about ur most embarassing moment...
What's your deepest darkest secret that nobody knows about?
Liar, liar, pants on fire. When was the last time u told
a lie?
Have u ever spotted an alien?
Frankly. Are u afraid of the dark? What are u most frightened
of? Ghosts? Skeletons? Zombies...?
If u had one wish, what would it be?
And suppose u got a second wish...
Sorry, no more wishes. But suppose u could help one person
in this world in a great way, who would it be?
If u were to be an animal instead of a human, what animal would u like
to be? Why?
Tell me your favorite quote or proverb.
If u could prevent one event in history from happenning,
which one would it be?
How many "yourself"s would it take to change a
light bulb?
When was the last time u cried?
Your idea of the perfect romantic partner...
What's your definition of Love?
Final comments, if any...